Articulation Essentials - Karachi, Pakistan

Articulation Essentials
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Articulation Essentials
Sindh, Karachi, Pakistan
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Company description
Articulation Essentials is the best way to practice articulation without an SLP's supervision in the comfort of your own home! This comprehensive app has everything you need for practicing articulation, with its easy-to-navigate menus that even small children can use. It is designed to help those with speech delays, Articulation Apraxia, Aphasia, Phonology, Stuttering, Naming Therapy, and Autism. It features an extensive library of word flash cards that cover all the sounds that children often have difficulty with. Speech therapists, parents, and teachers can use Articulation Essentials to practice the pronunciation techniques taught in speech therapy. This app includes articulation techniques for 23 consonant sounds with blends, multi-syllabic words, sentences, and phrases in the English  
Show more language. Teachers can also isolate the initial, medial, and final position sounds for all spoken words. Additionally, Articulation Essentials allows you to save and keep scores for everyone during speech therapy sessions. It includes over 1400 words and images for articulation practice, real life images to keep children entertained, non-repetitive flash cards, progressive techniques divided into levels, voice recognition and real time sound playing, stimulating activities and articulation games, and more - all without ads! Articulation Essentials can also be used by babies who enjoy looking at everyday objects with sounds, toddlers first words, naming therapy for children with special needs, articulation picture tools,


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