Helen O Grady - Karachi, Pakistan
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Helen O Grady
saddar karachi 74400, Sindh, Pakistan
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6-10Company description
The ability to engage a room full of people with confidence and carrying on a conversation in complete sentences whilst making eye contact.
Social enhancement
Children will start to develop social skills that will help to enrich their personalities in the future, regardless of their academic performance.
Skills that influence and empower children, helping them find their voices, generating self belief in an exciting and fun way. We pack all our sessions with fun, laughter and a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment. Therefore it is not uncommon for our children to stay with us for many years. This itself is affirmation that what we do in our classes is not only beneficial, but provides great enjoyment and enthusiasm at the same time.
What we can do for
After working with us for only a few months, or even weeks, the improvement in spoken competence as well as confidence is evident. In addition to this it will put your children into direct contact with others of a similar age, giving them the chance to socialize and make new friends. This does so much to reinforce crucial skills, like the ability to speak in ENGLISH.
Along the social side, there is of course the dramatic side. Over the course of the term the children will work on a variety of dramatic projects, as well as the drama games which will undertake every time they come to a class. The year culminates in a performance by the children for parents and friends in which everybody gets involved. This is a real highlight for both the parents and the children and will be a lasting memory for both, which will last a lifetime.
Confidence, with good self esteem and effective communication skills are vital in helping your child get ahead in life. While achieving the required score might be enough to get you on the next rung of the educational process, it does little to provide children with any depth to their interpersonal skills.
Age ranges
Generally speaking we provide classes for children between the age of 3 and 17. However, our classes are further divided into groups according to the children’s ages. The youngest may join our Kindy Drama classes which are aimed at three to four years olds, after that we have lower primary classes for five to eight year olds, upper primary for nine to twelve year olds and youth theatre for thirteen to seventeen year olds.*An exciting recent addition is our adult programme, which was born as a result of the sheer number of requests that we were getting from teachers and parents, who wished that they’d had an opportunity to take classes like those offered by the Helen O Grady Drama Academy for the young.
The ability to engage a room full of people with confidence and carrying on a conversation in complete sentences whilst making eye contact.
Social enhancement
Children will start to develop social skills that will help to enrich their personalities in the future, regardless of their academic performance.
Skills that influence and empower children, helping them find their voices, generating self belief in an exciting and fun way. We pack all our sessions with fun, laughter and a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment. Therefore it is not uncommon for our children to stay with us for many years. This itself is affirmation that what we do in our classes is not only beneficial, but provides great enjoyment and enthusiasm at the same time.
What we can do for
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your children?After working with us for only a few months, or even weeks, the improvement in spoken competence as well as confidence is evident. In addition to this it will put your children into direct contact with others of a similar age, giving them the chance to socialize and make new friends. This does so much to reinforce crucial skills, like the ability to speak in ENGLISH.
Along the social side, there is of course the dramatic side. Over the course of the term the children will work on a variety of dramatic projects, as well as the drama games which will undertake every time they come to a class. The year culminates in a performance by the children for parents and friends in which everybody gets involved. This is a real highlight for both the parents and the children and will be a lasting memory for both, which will last a lifetime.
Confidence, with good self esteem and effective communication skills are vital in helping your child get ahead in life. While achieving the required score might be enough to get you on the next rung of the educational process, it does little to provide children with any depth to their interpersonal skills.
Age ranges
Generally speaking we provide classes for children between the age of 3 and 17. However, our classes are further divided into groups according to the children’s ages. The youngest may join our Kindy Drama classes which are aimed at three to four years olds, after that we have lower primary classes for five to eight year olds, upper primary for nine to twelve year olds and youth theatre for thirteen to seventeen year olds.*An exciting recent addition is our adult programme, which was born as a result of the sheer number of requests that we were getting from teachers and parents, who wished that they’d had an opportunity to take classes like those offered by the Helen O Grady Drama Academy for the young.
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