Zoom Advertisers - Lahore, Pakistan
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Zoom Advertisers
2-d Alkareem Plaza Kareem Block Allama Iqbal Town, Allama Iqbal Town Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
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11-15Company description
Zoom Advertisers was founded in 2004 with aim to provide advertisement media options to brands and to take advertisement industry to next levels by introducing new technologies and trends. Zoom Advertiser is based in Lahore. Outdoor advertising is always a fruitful buy to attract more customers. As leading outdoor advertiser with wide range of experience of more than 2 decades in the field, Zoom Advertiser is well positioned to get any campaign/ message to the masses.
Our services are as vast and extensive as the great outdoor opportunities. Zoom has built team of professionals having rich experience in their respective fields which enable us to provide up to the mark advertising services to our esteemed customers. Professional experience and exposure of our team also lead us to opt best
We also believe on collaboration, as per the requirements we engage vendors for production and maintenance etc. as our product range is much wider. In the same manner, we have hired services of fully equipped and manned work- shop for handling most jobs under one roof. With access to proper infrastructure and a professional approach, we just get the job done well in time as well as within the budget constraints. This professionalism results higher levels of clients’
ZOOM is pioneer to bring animated VHB backlight and sunlight readable display technology in Pakistan for the first time in 2005 which were displayed at the Fortress Stadium Lahore. The Technology is globally known as Electro Luminescent Display (ELD).
To ZOOM the future vision and set new trends in out of home media (OOHM) including electronic media by bringing in the new concepts based on latest digital technologies in Pakistan.
Our services are as vast and extensive as the great outdoor opportunities. Zoom has built team of professionals having rich experience in their respective fields which enable us to provide up to the mark advertising services to our esteemed customers. Professional experience and exposure of our team also lead us to opt best
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latest technologies which not only satisfy our customers but protect the environment and enhance the beautification of targeted area.We also believe on collaboration, as per the requirements we engage vendors for production and maintenance etc. as our product range is much wider. In the same manner, we have hired services of fully equipped and manned work- shop for handling most jobs under one roof. With access to proper infrastructure and a professional approach, we just get the job done well in time as well as within the budget constraints. This professionalism results higher levels of clients’
ZOOM is pioneer to bring animated VHB backlight and sunlight readable display technology in Pakistan for the first time in 2005 which were displayed at the Fortress Stadium Lahore. The Technology is globally known as Electro Luminescent Display (ELD).
To ZOOM the future vision and set new trends in out of home media (OOHM) including electronic media by bringing in the new concepts based on latest digital technologies in Pakistan.
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Products & Services 1
- Outdoor BillboardsAdvertisers have paid to get their message on display in lar...
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