Greens Global Shipping & Logistics - Lahore, Pakistan
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Listing - +9Years
With Us
Company name
Greens Global Shipping & Logistics
Office No 4, 3rd Floor AB Height Main Air Port Road Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
Contact number
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Working hours
- Monday: 10:00am-6.00pm
- Tuesday: 10:00am-6.00pm
- Wednesday: 10:00am-6.00pm
- Thursday: 10:00am-6.00pm
- Friday: 10:00am-6.00pm
- Saturday: 10:00am-6.00pm
- Sunday: Closed
Contact Person
Mahmood AliCompany manager
Arslan GhouseEstablishment year
1-5Registration code
4161731-2E-mail address
Company description
Greens Global Shipping & Logistics A member of the Greens Global Enterprises,GGSL has been active in the freight service provider sector in Lahore since it's incorporation in 2012.
With over 5 years of services, we are committed to quality, reliability and innovation thereby confirming our position as a leading independent operator.
We have always had one primary goal to serve our customers in a way that no one else can. Easy to say----- difficult to do. So in order to accomplished this goal and truly distinguish ourselves from the competition, we adopted a strategy that would lead us down a path of two ideals--- One that would combined a forward thinking and two the innovative approach with the highly attentive and personalized services.
Greens Global Shipping & Logistics has always
We offer a wide range of logistics solutions that include import, export, warehousing, & distribution, local & interstate trucking and trade show management. Our experienced and dedicated staff is available to assist you in planning and implementing efficient and effective flow of goods, services and information from the point of origin to final destination.
With over 5 years of services, we are committed to quality, reliability and innovation thereby confirming our position as a leading independent operator.
We have always had one primary goal to serve our customers in a way that no one else can. Easy to say----- difficult to do. So in order to accomplished this goal and truly distinguish ourselves from the competition, we adopted a strategy that would lead us down a path of two ideals--- One that would combined a forward thinking and two the innovative approach with the highly attentive and personalized services.
Greens Global Shipping & Logistics has always
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prided itself on out ability to deliver result. Over the years we have carved out an eruption in our Shipping Industry for reliability and safety. There are only two forces in the world, the Sword and the Spirit. In the long run, the Sword is always conquered by the Spirit. We are in a company of spirit, one that draws its strength from the spirits and passion of its people and rides it to distinction. We face e new challenge with determination and fortitude, overcoming obstacle with the help of each other and in the end we find joy in our work and in serving our customers As time changes so must we change with them. As new market open up, so must we explore them as a new challenge which needs plausible solution. .We offer a wide range of logistics solutions that include import, export, warehousing, & distribution, local & interstate trucking and trade show management. Our experienced and dedicated staff is available to assist you in planning and implementing efficient and effective flow of goods, services and information from the point of origin to final destination.
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