Pioneer International - Gujranwala, Pakistan
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Company name
Pioneer International
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Working hours
- Monday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Tuesday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Wednesday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Thursday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Friday: 03:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Saturday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Sunday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Contact Person
Ch Abu Bakar Company manager
Imran Dar , Ch Abu Bakar and Tahir Bin JahangirEstablishment year
2014E-mail address
Company description
There are two ways of doing business in the world . one is traditional market and second is (MLM) multi level marketing
in traditional marketing more people are involved such as manufacturers, distributors , media , transportation , salesman and at last consumer ,above all take there benefits and consumer only gets the product where as in Multi-level marketing, is a marketing strategy in which the sales force is compensated not only for sales they personally generate, but also for the sales of the other salespeople that they recruit. This recruited sales force is referred to as the participant's "down line", and can provide multiple levels of compensation.Other terms used for MLM include network marketing and referral marketing.
Most commonly, the salespeople are expected to sell
pioneer international is a (MLM) company which provide best health products,cosmetics and good business to the people . the company has a unique business plan and easy targets to achieve .pioneer international provide platform for struggling people which is free from any difficulties and international ensure handsome amount of money in small time.
in traditional marketing more people are involved such as manufacturers, distributors , media , transportation , salesman and at last consumer ,above all take there benefits and consumer only gets the product where as in Multi-level marketing, is a marketing strategy in which the sales force is compensated not only for sales they personally generate, but also for the sales of the other salespeople that they recruit. This recruited sales force is referred to as the participant's "down line", and can provide multiple levels of compensation.Other terms used for MLM include network marketing and referral marketing.
Most commonly, the salespeople are expected to sell
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products directly to consumers by means of relationship referrals and word of mouth marketing. Some people use direct selling as a synonym for MLM, although MLM is only one type of direct selling, which started centuries ago with international is a (MLM) company which provide best health products,cosmetics and good business to the people . the company has a unique business plan and easy targets to achieve .pioneer international provide platform for struggling people which is free from any difficulties and international ensure handsome amount of money in small time.
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