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Plot SA 155-156,Sec.33/G,Korangi Industrial Area,Near Bakri Pump, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan
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SAMOCO, a group of AEEC Company, offers metal steel and stainless steel sheet fabrication, machining, die & mould manufacturing, burners, blowers, and ducting designing and manufacturing, metal parts and components designing and fabrication for factory machine. SAMOCO also offers imported boilers, ovens, and furnaces.
SAMOCO caters to pharmaceutical industries, textile industries, food industries, leather industres, plastic industries, wood chip industries, automotive industries, poultry industries, oil/lubricant industries, paper industries, power creation industries, chemical industries, marine industries, aeronautical industries and other industries that demands precision factory automation and sheet metal fabrication.
Through our sister Company AEEC, we offer, boiler
SAMOCO also manufactures Waste Incinerators and gasifiers to produce renewable energy. Hot gases or Synthetic gas can be used for boilers and steam turbine to produced electricity.
The main function of SAMOCO waste incinerators and gasifiers is to burn up the solid/ liquid hazardous residential and industrial wastes to produce steam, and to produce electricity. SAMOCO waste incinerators and gasifiers also helps in keeping environment clean. These incinerators and gasifiers are manufactured with waste heat recovery system to produce steam/gas power for steam turbine/gas turbine, which offers better payback and save cost in long run.
SAMOCO manufactures incinerators and gasifiers (1150ºC / 850º C) for municipal waste, commercial waste, industrial waste, sewarage waste, construction and demolition waste, agriculture waste, minning waste, hospital waste. All incinerators are equipped with Chimney. The company is also engaged in manufacturing pollution control electronic equipment.
The Company designs, manufactures and installs incinerators for different Industries of solid waste, liquid waste, industrial waste, hospital waste, bio-medical waste, pharmaceutical waste, etc to produce renewable energy.
SAMOCO incinerators have following features:
Combustion efficiency of 99%.
Temperatures of 750 to 850°C and 1000 to 1100°C
452kg/hr to 1000kg/hr & + of waste material handling
Garbage to Electricity: Industrial waste, commercial waste and hospital waste can be burn in SAMOCO incinerators. SAMOCO incinerators produce 1000 C temperature whcih can be used to produce steam energy through commercial boilers. Recycling waste is the successful road map to future energy crisis.
The stainless steel 316L metal fabrication project can be a long and intensive one. SAMOCO fabrication shop, however, will be there to take them on one job at a time. We design stainless steel augars, shakers, mixers, and crusher blades. All controlled by electric motors and gear box.
SAMOCO can design SS food grade sheet metal products for pharmacetical indsutry, hospitals, hotels, and food industry.
Industrial Blower: An Industrial Blower or Centrifugal Blower takes air in and discharges air at 90 degrees out through the discharge of the housing.
Industrial Blowers are used as Industrial Blowers, Industrial Cooling Fans, Industrial Exhaust Fan, Industrial Fan Blower, Industrial Fans and Industrial Ventilation Fans.
We design centrifugal blower impellers with accurate fan blade balancing. We also design complete ducting for the blower in aluminium sheet, metal sheet, metal steel sheet, and stainless steel sheet.
SAMOCO caters to pharmaceutical industries, textile industries, food industries, leather industres, plastic industries, wood chip industries, automotive industries, poultry industries, oil/lubricant industries, paper industries, power creation industries, chemical industries, marine industries, aeronautical industries and other industries that demands precision factory automation and sheet metal fabrication.
Through our sister Company AEEC, we offer, boiler
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controllers, incinerator controller, PLC controller, industry automation, Electrical Panel, and HMI display systems.SAMOCO also manufactures Waste Incinerators and gasifiers to produce renewable energy. Hot gases or Synthetic gas can be used for boilers and steam turbine to produced electricity.
The main function of SAMOCO waste incinerators and gasifiers is to burn up the solid/ liquid hazardous residential and industrial wastes to produce steam, and to produce electricity. SAMOCO waste incinerators and gasifiers also helps in keeping environment clean. These incinerators and gasifiers are manufactured with waste heat recovery system to produce steam/gas power for steam turbine/gas turbine, which offers better payback and save cost in long run.
SAMOCO manufactures incinerators and gasifiers (1150ºC / 850º C) for municipal waste, commercial waste, industrial waste, sewarage waste, construction and demolition waste, agriculture waste, minning waste, hospital waste. All incinerators are equipped with Chimney. The company is also engaged in manufacturing pollution control electronic equipment.
The Company designs, manufactures and installs incinerators for different Industries of solid waste, liquid waste, industrial waste, hospital waste, bio-medical waste, pharmaceutical waste, etc to produce renewable energy.
SAMOCO incinerators have following features:
Combustion efficiency of 99%.
Temperatures of 750 to 850°C and 1000 to 1100°C
452kg/hr to 1000kg/hr & + of waste material handling
Garbage to Electricity: Industrial waste, commercial waste and hospital waste can be burn in SAMOCO incinerators. SAMOCO incinerators produce 1000 C temperature whcih can be used to produce steam energy through commercial boilers. Recycling waste is the successful road map to future energy crisis.
The stainless steel 316L metal fabrication project can be a long and intensive one. SAMOCO fabrication shop, however, will be there to take them on one job at a time. We design stainless steel augars, shakers, mixers, and crusher blades. All controlled by electric motors and gear box.
SAMOCO can design SS food grade sheet metal products for pharmacetical indsutry, hospitals, hotels, and food industry.
Industrial Blower: An Industrial Blower or Centrifugal Blower takes air in and discharges air at 90 degrees out through the discharge of the housing.
Industrial Blowers are used as Industrial Blowers, Industrial Cooling Fans, Industrial Exhaust Fan, Industrial Fan Blower, Industrial Fans and Industrial Ventilation Fans.
We design centrifugal blower impellers with accurate fan blade balancing. We also design complete ducting for the blower in aluminium sheet, metal sheet, metal steel sheet, and stainless steel sheet.
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