Sak Travels - Pakistan
0.00 Reviews
Company name
Sak Travels
10, Block 16-C, Near Nadra Office, F-8 Markaz, Islamabad, Federal Capital Area, Islamabad Capital Territory, Pakistan
Contact number
Mobile phone
Website address
Working hours
- Monday: 0900 hrs - 1900hrs
- Tuesday: 0900 hrs - 1900hrs
- Wednesday: 0900 hrs - 1900hrs
- Thursday: 0900 hrs - 1900hrs
- Friday: 0900 hrs - 1900hrs
- Saturday: 0900 hrs - 1900hrs
- Sunday: 0900 hrs - 1900hrs
Company manager
Maqsood Ul HassanEstablishment year
2000E-mail address
Company description
SAK TRAVELS is a leading travel agency. Our company was founded in Febarary, 2001, and is located in Islamabad. We are registered with the Department of Tourist Services Government of Pakistan as travel agency, License No ID- 588 (SAK TRAVELS). We are also registered with Islamabad Administration Government of Pakistan, Firm Registration No RF/ICT/5232 OF 2001(SAK TRAVELS).
We use all means to enable leisure and business travelers to research, plan and book a broad range of travel products. We offer lots of good airfare deals, a chance to avail a cheap airline ticket.
We develop and communicate a vision for how we can most effectively contribute to the travel industry. In pursuing that vision we relentlessly challenge employees to strive for excellence and engage them in the
We hold ourselves to the highest standards of integrity and professional conduct and do what is best for you.
We take ownership of our work and hold ourselves accountable for improving performance and making our organization stronger to provide you ultimate services.
Invest on a wonderful vacation expirience and save money. Buy your airline ticket today. You know you ewant to!
We use all means to enable leisure and business travelers to research, plan and book a broad range of travel products. We offer lots of good airfare deals, a chance to avail a cheap airline ticket.
We develop and communicate a vision for how we can most effectively contribute to the travel industry. In pursuing that vision we relentlessly challenge employees to strive for excellence and engage them in the
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effort to provide best services.We hold ourselves to the highest standards of integrity and professional conduct and do what is best for you.
We take ownership of our work and hold ourselves accountable for improving performance and making our organization stronger to provide you ultimate services.
Invest on a wonderful vacation expirience and save money. Buy your airline ticket today. You know you ewant to!
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