1 Review
Company name
D-22, Block-9, Gizri Road Clifton, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan
Contact number
021-5824561 / 5824562
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Company description
As one of the largest IT distributor in the country, Shing Technologies Inc. is the medium through which technology is streamed to customers nation wide.


1 Review
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Stay away from these people who consider themselves Gods.

I submitted my notebook which required LCD replacement service. I called their customer service at this number ******** to get status and got answer "We are on lunch, call us later". I tried another number ******** and no one picked the call.

I thought I made a mistake by calling mobile numbers (even though I got them from their support service) because support centers always have shifts for lunch breaks. Then I called on a land line number 021-********. The same person (a girl) picked the call and talked to me in a very rood manner saying that "We have a lunch break and if you have a problem, talk to people who don't get lunch break" and disconnected my call without even listening me.

I am surprised that these guys are representing Asus in Pakistan. I am going to report Asus in Austratia about their pathetic customer support service and will never try to get their services again.

Questions & Answers

do you have export to iran or dobai?
asus and lenovo laptop
I have asus t100 transformer book 10.1" touch screen. Now its screen broke due to an accident and its touch also not working. What is the price to replace and fix the above.

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