Al Bilal Pothar Goods Forwarding Agency - Islamabad, Pakistan
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Company name
Al Bilal Pothar Goods Forwarding Agency
348.i-11/4 Islamabad, Punjab, Pakistan
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Company description
Al Bilal Photohar Goods Forwarding Agency.
Our vision is streamline and facilitates the provision of quality but affordable. Cargo services in order to produce high customer satisfaction. In order to achieve this goal we will continue to work in close collaboration with our clients, to identify cargo needs which are not currently being met, and respond to. The client's requirement with a practical, cost effective and innovative service.
1. Empty as well as loaded containers of up 20 and 40 feet.
2. Urgent services on competitive rates.
3. Complete clients satisfaction.
4. Door to Door services for clients.
5. work on cash as wel as credit.
6. Faster delivery of work.
7. Car Carier Services All Pakistan
8. Layber + 24 hours services
* Especial
* Trucks 20,
* Trawlers high weight 40,
* Cranes 35 tons
* Cranes 20 tons
* Fork Lifters 4 tons
* Mazda Truck 20 ft
* Container 40 ft
Very Best Regard
Raja Nadeem
Our vision is streamline and facilitates the provision of quality but affordable. Cargo services in order to produce high customer satisfaction. In order to achieve this goal we will continue to work in close collaboration with our clients, to identify cargo needs which are not currently being met, and respond to. The client's requirement with a practical, cost effective and innovative service.
1. Empty as well as loaded containers of up 20 and 40 feet.
2. Urgent services on competitive rates.
3. Complete clients satisfaction.
4. Door to Door services for clients.
5. work on cash as wel as credit.
6. Faster delivery of work.
7. Car Carier Services All Pakistan
8. Layber + 24 hours services
* Especial
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Vehicles* Trucks 20,
* Trawlers high weight 40,
* Cranes 35 tons
* Cranes 20 tons
* Fork Lifters 4 tons
* Mazda Truck 20 ft
* Container 40 ft
Very Best Regard
Raja Nadeem
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