Hyacinth Training Consultants - Karachi, Pakistan
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Hyacinth Training Consultants
122, 10th Commercial Street DHA Ph.4, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan
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Yasha SiddiqiEstablishment year
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Company description
Mission Statement
Our Mission is to promote the value of learning, professional development, quality performance, and self-worth among all the participants by providing High Quality and up to date training services in line with the organizational requirements. To facilitate the transition of their staff members towards productive and responsible participation within the organization and the society
Hyacinth Training Consultants has been working in the field of Training Human Resources for some time now. Having a team of highly creative, innovative, and motivated individuals, Hyacinth has also associated itself with various trainers/ facilitators, working in different areas of the training requirements.
The concept of Hyacinth Training Consultants emerged after conducting numerous
Hyacinth Training Consultants prefer working with organizations as their main aim is to develop individuals as well as organizations together, as training is an investment not just a consumption. "We believe in Unity in Diversity" and hence our team is also very diversified, from professionals to students, in various capacities. The trainings are provided in a wide range of areas as requested by the organizations, however, our four core areas of expertise are: Banking Skills- Technical Skills- Soft Skills- Hard/ Management Skills.
Our Mission is to promote the value of learning, professional development, quality performance, and self-worth among all the participants by providing High Quality and up to date training services in line with the organizational requirements. To facilitate the transition of their staff members towards productive and responsible participation within the organization and the society
Hyacinth Training Consultants has been working in the field of Training Human Resources for some time now. Having a team of highly creative, innovative, and motivated individuals, Hyacinth has also associated itself with various trainers/ facilitators, working in different areas of the training requirements.
The concept of Hyacinth Training Consultants emerged after conducting numerous
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surveys of the training needs within the society. The main purpose of Hyacinth is to provide training consultancy after conducting the Training Needs Analysis, with ongoing continuous programs for the development of the Human Capital for the organizations along with Organizational Development. Its main aim is to develop excellence within the staff and build on the excellence in organizational development within the economic, financial, educational and other sectors, so that humanity may grow and prosper to its maximum potential.Hyacinth Training Consultants prefer working with organizations as their main aim is to develop individuals as well as organizations together, as training is an investment not just a consumption. "We believe in Unity in Diversity" and hence our team is also very diversified, from professionals to students, in various capacities. The trainings are provided in a wide range of areas as requested by the organizations, however, our four core areas of expertise are: Banking Skills- Technical Skills- Soft Skills- Hard/ Management Skills.
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