Universal Industrial Services - Lahore, Pakistan
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Universal Industrial Services
Basement Haneef Chambers, 40 Bransreth Raod, Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
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I introduce ourselves as an Importer, Manufacturer & Trader of Industrial Timing Belts, Poly V Belts, PU Round Belts, Cogged V Belts, Flat Belts and Conveyors.
We have almost all sizes of belts in our ready stock of the following type.
1. Imported Timing Belt made from Rubber with Fiber Glass Reinforced.
2. Imported Timing Belt made from Polyurethane with Steelwire Reinforced.
3. Imported Variable Speed Belt for ring frames : Dongil DRB Korea .
4. Imported P.U. Round Belts .
5. Imported Endless Belt ( HABASIT, NITTA, SEIGLING, VIS )
6. Imported Banded Cogged V Belt : Dongil / Roulunds HANCHANG Korea .
7. Imported Poly V Belts.
8. Flat Belts & Conveyor Belts.
9. Any other belts as per your requirements.
Apart from the above we can supply any size of the belts as per your
You are requested to please enlist our name in the list of your approved supplier
Tariq Chaudhary
We have almost all sizes of belts in our ready stock of the following type.
1. Imported Timing Belt made from Rubber with Fiber Glass Reinforced.
2. Imported Timing Belt made from Polyurethane with Steelwire Reinforced.
3. Imported Variable Speed Belt for ring frames : Dongil DRB Korea .
4. Imported P.U. Round Belts .
5. Imported Endless Belt ( HABASIT, NITTA, SEIGLING, VIS )
6. Imported Banded Cogged V Belt : Dongil / Roulunds HANCHANG Korea .
7. Imported Poly V Belts.
8. Flat Belts & Conveyor Belts.
9. Any other belts as per your requirements.
Apart from the above we can supply any size of the belts as per your
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specifications and requirement. You can solve problems in your belt drive system through us.You are requested to please enlist our name in the list of your approved supplier
Tariq Chaudhary
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