Shui Lam (Int'l) Textiles Enterprises Ltd. - Pakistan
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Company name
Shui Lam (Int'l) Textiles Enterprises Ltd.
Unit 5, 3/F., Wo Tong Tsui Street, Kowloon, Pakistan
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Establishment year 1990
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Company description
Since 1990, Shui Lam (International) Textiles Enterprises Ltd. has used a consistent focus on polyester sewing thread yarns. It has become a dominant company in the industry exclusively for 100% spun polyester and core spun polyester yarn for sewing threads. This focus has enabled us to achieve a well-deserved goodwill in our quality assurance with today's majority market sharing in Hong Kong.
As a leading manufacturer in the region, Shui Lam has come by concentrating on a single product, and is ideally suited to meet your needs by offering our wide range of the yarn counts from Ne20s to Ne80s for 100% spun polyester yarns as well as the range from Ne12s to Ne70s for core spun polyester yarns respectively, deliver promptly on-time.
Shui Lam has strived to maintain our first-class
"Constant monitoring, caring the details and cleanliness guarantee a consistently superior yarn"
To further ensure the process produces only the best yarn, we sampled throughout each run and tested for the yarn count, single and plied yarn strength, elongation and overall quality.
Our commitment to quality doesn't end there, however. Shui Lam recognizes that comments can come from anyone and improvements can be made everywhere. Thus, we welcome & listen openly to the ideas from our people to customers. Continuous commitment to perfecting the art of yarn manufacturing makes the process at Shui Lam one part of it's advantages...
As a leading manufacturer in the region, Shui Lam has come by concentrating on a single product, and is ideally suited to meet your needs by offering our wide range of the yarn counts from Ne20s to Ne80s for 100% spun polyester yarns as well as the range from Ne12s to Ne70s for core spun polyester yarns respectively, deliver promptly on-time.
Shui Lam has strived to maintain our first-class
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customer services throughout the process beginning with the fiber selection to spinning, which ensures, our customer continually get the best, competitive and uniform products from us. We believe that"Constant monitoring, caring the details and cleanliness guarantee a consistently superior yarn"
To further ensure the process produces only the best yarn, we sampled throughout each run and tested for the yarn count, single and plied yarn strength, elongation and overall quality.
Our commitment to quality doesn't end there, however. Shui Lam recognizes that comments can come from anyone and improvements can be made everywhere. Thus, we welcome & listen openly to the ideas from our people to customers. Continuous commitment to perfecting the art of yarn manufacturing makes the process at Shui Lam one part of it's advantages...
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