Gigotex - Karachi, Pakistan
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Company name
j6, Sindh, Karachi, Pakistan
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Establishment year 2008
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Company description
We are the agents of different textiles and apparel products. Given below are the services we provide
Understand all requirements: internal, external, explicit and implicit.
Constantly fulfill the requirements of our customers to their full satisfaction with professionalism, service, fairness, cordiality and reasonable prices.
Provide structure, work culture, know-how, technology, methods and systems aimed at eliminating non-conformities and faults at all stages and thus maintaining cost-effectiveness.
Give much importance to, and promote employee participation, training, innovation and continuous improvement within a creative and conducive environment.
To introduce manufacturers who are capable of meeting your requirements.
To check production capacities and quality capabilities of
To ensure that quality is builded into the product and manufacturing process.
To check that proper material and components are used in the production.
& Much , much more ........
Understand all requirements: internal, external, explicit and implicit.
Constantly fulfill the requirements of our customers to their full satisfaction with professionalism, service, fairness, cordiality and reasonable prices.
Provide structure, work culture, know-how, technology, methods and systems aimed at eliminating non-conformities and faults at all stages and thus maintaining cost-effectiveness.
Give much importance to, and promote employee participation, training, innovation and continuous improvement within a creative and conducive environment.
To introduce manufacturers who are capable of meeting your requirements.
To check production capacities and quality capabilities of
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companies.To ensure that quality is builded into the product and manufacturing process.
To check that proper material and components are used in the production.
& Much , much more ........
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