Arain Shipping & Trading (Pvt) Ltd - Karachi, Pakistan

Company name
Arain Shipping & Trading (Pvt) Ltd
13 - E, MEZZANINE FLOOR, D.H.A PHASE II-EXT, Sindh, Karachi, Pakistan
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Company description
As manning and recruiting agents, our responsibilities include:

Recruitment of officers and engineers as per our Principal’s tailored needs to justify the trade pattern of their vessels.

Verification of their ability, competence and service record from the fleet personal manager of their previously served companies.

Ensuring that their certification, qualification, competency and training meets the requirements of latest STCW95 conventions and that they are fully qualified, certified, experienced and very well conversant in the position and rank they are hired.

Verification of their certification from the Issuing Authorities before hiring all such new officers and as well as the old hands after obtaining any new certificate.

Thorough medical examination including ECG,  
Show more Ultrasound, Blood and Urine Analysis, Drug and Alcohol testing by an certified laboratory, recommended by the company medical officer.

Ensuring that all officers must have all valid documents in their possession before they leave their homeport to join any vessel.

Arrangement of visas, Ok to board and / or any other requirement, via prompt communication with the local shipping agents of the vessel which may be demanded by the local immigration authorities, for the joining crew, where required.

` Government Shipping Office sign/ on and sign/ off formalities including obtaining, of “No Objection Certificates”, articles of agreement, in order that the proposed officer can exit his country of origin without hindrance.

Arrangement of fast, cheapest and most direct flight schedules, through reliable travel agencies, for the joining of all our officers, at the desired destination.

Liaison with local agents regarding flight schedule and other necessary details to complete pre-arrival formalities with the immigration authorities, of subject vessel, at the joining port in order that the officers are able to join ship in enough time for a proper handing / taking over.


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