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Enquiry office Bus Stop Nazimabad No.2, Sindh, Karachi, Pakistan
Contact number
9221-6609051 / 6609075
+92 42 3595 7260
+92 42 3595 7260
(92 21) 36603045
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Company description
Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan is a leading not-for-profit organization with a long-standing commitment to humanitarian services since 1990. Our devoted team of workers and volunteers continue to work relentlessly to bring relief to people across Pakistan and other parts of the world. Our services include disaster management, health care, education, orphan support, clean water, Mawakhat (interest-free loan), and other community-oriented initiatives. Our vision is to "Serve Humanity with Integrity".
We are a non-political, non-governmental organization that is devoted to helping vulnerable and orphaned people, without any form of discrimination, to ensure their health, education, financial stability, livelihood, shelter, access to clean water, mosques, disaster relief, and other aspects of
We are a non-political, non-governmental organization that is devoted to helping vulnerable and orphaned people, without any form of discrimination, to ensure their health, education, financial stability, livelihood, shelter, access to clean water, mosques, disaster relief, and other aspects of
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life. In addition, we strive to provide our volunteers with resources and build partnerships with other NGOs and organizations to ensure their satisfaction and success in our mission to serve humanity with integrity.Listed in categories
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