Surechemical - Pakistan
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66zhaiying south street, He Bei, Pakistan
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Company description
Sure Chemical, a privately owned Chinese company, founded in 1988, located in Hebei province, is one of the leading companies in Hebeis chemical industry. We have been serving the international market as a producer and exporter of quality advanced industrial, food additives and mineral processing chemicals for twenty years.
Its export office located in Shijiazhuang , capital of Hebei province, only 270km south of Beijing.
Our products have been exported to over 20 countries of Asia, Europe, South & North America, and Africa. We work hard to develop a seamless connection with our customers from all over the world, and we place a strong emphasis on responding quickly to customer inquiries and providing informative quotes.
The complete satisfaction of our customers has been the great honor in our history and will be the only goal in our future.
Its export office located in Shijiazhuang , capital of Hebei province, only 270km south of Beijing.
Our products have been exported to over 20 countries of Asia, Europe, South & North America, and Africa. We work hard to develop a seamless connection with our customers from all over the world, and we place a strong emphasis on responding quickly to customer inquiries and providing informative quotes.
The complete satisfaction of our customers has been the great honor in our history and will be the only goal in our future.
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