Naeem Jee Corporation - Sialkot, Pakistan
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Company name
Naeem Jee Corporation
Deffence Road Sialkot-51310, Pakistan, Punjab
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Company description
We ( NAEEM JEE CORPORATION ) manufacturers & exporters of Surgical instruments, dental instrument, manicure instruments, pedicure instruments & scissors of all shots.For further information catalogs and price lists are avalable.
Surgical instruments: -
Surgical instruments such as scapel handles, knives, diagnostic instruments, operating& dissecting scissors, nasal scissors, dressing & tissue forceps, artery forceps, dressing forceps, retractors, probes, needle holders, plater instruments, bone clamps, bone chisels & gauges, hammer & bone files, bone holding forceps, bone cutters & rongeuers, tissue& holding forceps, uterine forceps & curettes.micro ear forceps, surgical scissors, mayo scissors, TC forceps, TC needle holders, clamps of all shots..........ETC
NJC " is a leading manufacturer and supplier of a high quality manicure instruments such as nail & cuticle nippers, nail & cuticle pushers, nail & cuticle scissors, eyebrow tweezers, barber scissors, shaving razors, Fly fishing tools such as forceps, nippers, scissors, clamps, pliers etc.........
Dental instruments: -
We are the manufacturers and exporters of a wide range of dental instruments including: Extracting forceps, root elevators, pliers, needle holders, retractors, chisels& gouges, rubber dam punch, mouth mirrors and handles, scalers, filling instruments, explorers and impression trays.
All of the listed equiments are avaliable in all sizes and with Urgent delivery.
We have specific design and also manufacture all the partren as per your needs,
Please visit to our website at our web to view our big collection and online store with prices. There is no trouble for us to manufacture any difficult instrument by our skilled hands. For more please contact us at our E-mail.
Waseem Anjum
We ( NAEEM JEE CORPORATION ) manufacturers & exporters of Surgical instruments, dental instrument, manicure instruments, pedicure instruments & scissors of all shots.For further information catalogs and price lists are avalable.
Surgical instruments: -
Surgical instruments such as scapel handles, knives, diagnostic instruments, operating& dissecting scissors, nasal scissors, dressing & tissue forceps, artery forceps, dressing forceps, retractors, probes, needle holders, plater instruments, bone clamps, bone chisels & gauges, hammer & bone files, bone holding forceps, bone cutters & rongeuers, tissue& holding forceps, uterine forceps & curettes.micro ear forceps, surgical scissors, mayo scissors, TC forceps, TC needle holders, clamps of all shots..........ETC
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instruments: -NJC " is a leading manufacturer and supplier of a high quality manicure instruments such as nail & cuticle nippers, nail & cuticle pushers, nail & cuticle scissors, eyebrow tweezers, barber scissors, shaving razors, Fly fishing tools such as forceps, nippers, scissors, clamps, pliers etc.........
Dental instruments: -
We are the manufacturers and exporters of a wide range of dental instruments including: Extracting forceps, root elevators, pliers, needle holders, retractors, chisels& gouges, rubber dam punch, mouth mirrors and handles, scalers, filling instruments, explorers and impression trays.
All of the listed equiments are avaliable in all sizes and with Urgent delivery.
We have specific design and also manufacture all the partren as per your needs,
Please visit to our website at our web to view our big collection and online store with prices. There is no trouble for us to manufacture any difficult instrument by our skilled hands. For more please contact us at our E-mail.
Waseem Anjum
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