Lyric international - Sialkot, Pakistan

5 Reviews
Company name
Lyric international
155 Mir Hassan Road Model Town Sialkot - Pakistan., Punjab
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Company description
Dear Sir,

Please allow us to introduce "Lyric" as one of the leading manufacturers and exporters of Surgical, Dental & Veterinary Products, Beauty Care Products & Kitchen Tools all sorts of Scissors backed by an experience of decades in this filed where instruments are processed under the supervision of discriminate experts.

Uniformity, precision and high standard maintained by "Lyric" through years make our products comparable to world renowned makes and are exported to major global markets like USA, UK, South America and various countries of Europe and Africa.

We may invite you to visit our web site to have a complete information about our Company and Products.

We shall be pleased to establish friendly and cordial business relations with you and would welcome your current  
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Awaiting your comments / reply with much interest.

Thanks for your time.
Best regards,

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5 Reviews
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Big SCAM!!!!!! WARNING be carefull.
They are sending you some samples of good quality then they take your money and block you everywhere. Also there telephone numbers are not registred. Don’t believe try to call them and see by your self
Dont send them your money! You will never have your product. SCAM COMPANY!
Don’t ever work with them it’s better to you!
Shame on you
I have sent the money for the tweezers 2 months ago. No answer , no tweezers ! PLEASE DON’T choose this company ! They are the most unprofessional company I have ever dealed with !

I finally get response after 6 months of waiting and frustration from lyric international. They apologize and promise to make good on my order mid May. I ask them to confirm the items being sent and location since I doubt they have any interest in following through. As of now, no confirmation but I will post if any change
This company should not be given the opportunity to con Americans. They act like a reputable company until they get our money for products they never send. It is now mid April and I'm still waiting for 75 tweezers that I purchased. I will glad report if any changes come about.
I've been battling with these people since august 2012 and its April 1st 2013 and still no order but they sure have my money. I spent $300 + and treated like I owe them something. DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY!!!!!!

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