Childrens Specialized - Pakistan
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Company name
Childrens Specialized
150 New Providence Road, New Jersey, Pakistan
Contact number
+1 908 301-5509
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Company description
Childrens Specialized Hospital, an affiliate member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health System, is the largest pediatric rehabilitation hospital in the United States. Our talented and caring staff provides a wide array of medical, developmental, educational and rehabilitative services for infants, children, adolescents, and young adults.
Childrens healthcare professionals are committed to providing expert and loving care to children with chronic illnesses and disabilities as well as to helping families manage common childhood developmental concerns. Evaluation and treatment are available for a variety of rehabilitation needs, including but not limited to learning, language or hearing problems, developmental delays, and behavior or attention problems at home or in school and sports
The hospital offers Centers of Excellence in Brain Injury, Spinal Cord Rehabilitation, and Educational Technology, in addition to our Outpatient Services. These are just a few of our many program and specialty service areas that combine cutting-edge technology with clinical expertise and compassionate care in a family-centered environment at facilities in Mountainside, Toms River, Fanwood, Hamilton, Newark, Roselle Park and Freehold. Additionally, Childrens staff provides their expertise at various schools, centers, and programs for children with special needs throughout New Jersey.
We invite you to learn more about Childrens Specialized Hospital and how we can help you, your child or your patient achieve their greatest potential.
Childrens healthcare professionals are committed to providing expert and loving care to children with chronic illnesses and disabilities as well as to helping families manage common childhood developmental concerns. Evaluation and treatment are available for a variety of rehabilitation needs, including but not limited to learning, language or hearing problems, developmental delays, and behavior or attention problems at home or in school and sports
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injuries. Comprehensive, coordinated care is provided for children with chronic illnesses and disabilities who may have multiple and complex therapy needs.The hospital offers Centers of Excellence in Brain Injury, Spinal Cord Rehabilitation, and Educational Technology, in addition to our Outpatient Services. These are just a few of our many program and specialty service areas that combine cutting-edge technology with clinical expertise and compassionate care in a family-centered environment at facilities in Mountainside, Toms River, Fanwood, Hamilton, Newark, Roselle Park and Freehold. Additionally, Childrens staff provides their expertise at various schools, centers, and programs for children with special needs throughout New Jersey.
We invite you to learn more about Childrens Specialized Hospital and how we can help you, your child or your patient achieve their greatest potential.
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