Foshan Yalin Furniture Co., Ltd - Pakistan
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Company name
Foshan Yalin Furniture Co., Ltd
Shuiteng industry zone, Shunde, Guandong, Pakistan
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2003E-mail address
Company description
Foshan Yalin Furniture Co., Ltd is one of the chinese professional furniture manufacturers, specializing in various kind of high quality, stylish and modern furniture, comprising of home furniture, office furniture, school furniture, public furniture, sofa, chair, seat, desk, table, cabinet, bed, carpet, rug, office chair, visitor chair, computer chair, student chair, school chair, theater chair, cinema chair, auditorium chair, hall chair, swivel chair, arm chair, conference chair, meeting chair, training chair, airport chair, waiting chair, metal seat, reception chair, lobby seat, stackable chair, plastic chair, folding chair, fabric sofa, leather sofa, modern sofa, leisure sofa, corner sofa, sectional sofa, stylish sofa, L sharp sofa, upholstery sofa, sleeper sofa, love seat, modern
The company's speedy ascent to pre-eminence from its humble beginnings in the domestic market to subsequently exporting internationally is proof of the quality materials that we use and the fine craftsmanship that we provide. Our export markets reach out to countries covering Europe, Middle East, Africa and the South East Asia region. We constantly look to improve the quality of our furniture and in so doing, further expand our market globally.
Given our standard of craftsmanship and the quality of materials used, you will find our furniture surprisingly affordable.
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carpet, shaggy carpet, polyester carpet, rug, soft bed, leather bed, modern bed, leisure bed, fabric bed, office table, computer desk, office partitions, etc.The company's speedy ascent to pre-eminence from its humble beginnings in the domestic market to subsequently exporting internationally is proof of the quality materials that we use and the fine craftsmanship that we provide. Our export markets reach out to countries covering Europe, Middle East, Africa and the South East Asia region. We constantly look to improve the quality of our furniture and in so doing, further expand our market globally.
Given our standard of craftsmanship and the quality of materials used, you will find our furniture surprisingly affordable.
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