Almuqeet Corp - Sialkot, Pakistan

Company name
Almuqeet Corp
Dar ul Hussain Fateh Ghar, Punjab, Sialkot, Pakistan
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Company description
Launched in 1990, Almuqeet Corporation is committed to manufacturing and packaging superior quality manicure, pedicure, haircutting and grooming instruments. Our Trimmers, Clippers & Nippers, Tweezers, Pushers, Cleaners, Hair Dressing Scissors , Barber Shears and Razors are known in the international market for their functionality and durable design. Our dedicated craftsmen are trained to note the minutest details that might affect the quality of the product. Currently catering to a market that extends to Australia, UK, Germany, Cyprus, Norway, Sweden, Lithuania, Greece, Canada, and the US we are committed to providing our valued clients with long lasting products that meet the rising standards of the grooming and wholesale industry. It is to achieve this end that at Almuqeet Corporation  
Show more we use only Japanese stainless steel 420 J2 and 440 C in our manufacturing processes. Commonly referred to as ‘ FRISIA’, this product facilitates longer and more precise performance due to its ‘on click tension dial’ and rubber covered thumb rings.
At Almuqeet Corporation we are continually involved in research and are always on the look out for new technology and ideas to aid our products to fit customer needs. We believe that the esteemed input of our regular clients is the key to our standing in the market. We therefore make it a point to be easily accessible to our customers and sell all our products under a viable warranty. This not only allows us to stay up to date with the suggestions and opinions of our consumers but also gives us the opportunity to cater to the individual needs of each of our customers. It is through such consumer oriented focus, dedicated management and industrious craftsmanship that Almuqeet Corporation has built a regular clientele around the globe.
We at Almuqeet Corporation function under an expansion based policy that is geared to introducing our state of the art products to as large a market as possible. It is for this reason that upon request, we
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