Gv Tech - Gujranwala, Pakistan
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Gv Tech
Moh: Sheikhanwala P/o Gondlanwala Teh, Punjab, Gujranwala, Pakistan
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Establishment year 2007
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Company description
Gondlanwala village is a nearby village of Gujranwala city which is situated in Province Punjab in Pakistan at Ali Pur Chattaha Road 5 Km from Gujranwala city. Total population of the village is 32000 according to 1998, but now a day according to a Gallop Survey population of the village has reached at 50000 approx. Most people of the village are highly educated and working in different Govt. Departments. But majority of young generation prefer to join Police Force, approximately more than 100 men are serving different Polices (i.e. Motorway Police, Punjab Police, Punjab Highways Patrolling, Traffic Wardens, Elite Force and Traffic Police). Beside this many people are in WAPDA, Pakistan Army, Education Department, Engineering, Atomic Energy, SUPARCO, Medical, Distt. Accounts Offices,
Education System: In the village a High School for boys namely Govt. High School Gondlanwala for boys is working. Staff of the school is highly qualified and student of the School always got good positions in Board Exams. A school for girls till elementary level is working. But unfortunately no collage for boys and high school for girls present in the village. But now the present Nazim of the Village Ch. Muhammad Ishfaq Ahmad has promised that he will get approval for the Inter Collage for both boys and girls and if land will be required for these institutes then I will give my own land.
Hospital: A Govt. Hospital is also present in the village that is working very well.
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Highway Department & etc. Many people of the village is settled in different foreign countries like Canada, UK, USA, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Masqat, Bahrain, Ire Land, Malaysia, Norway and etc. and they are supporting their families that's why people of the village are spending their lives happily. People of the village are also land lords.Education System: In the village a High School for boys namely Govt. High School Gondlanwala for boys is working. Staff of the school is highly qualified and student of the School always got good positions in Board Exams. A school for girls till elementary level is working. But unfortunately no collage for boys and high school for girls present in the village. But now the present Nazim of the Village Ch. Muhammad Ishfaq Ahmad has promised that he will get approval for the Inter Collage for both boys and girls and if land will be required for these institutes then I will give my own land.
Hospital: A Govt. Hospital is also present in the village that is working very well.
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