Winds International - Lahore, Pakistan

Company name
Winds International
The Planet 2nd Floor 161-H Block, Commercial Zone, Phase 1, Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
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Company description
WINDS INTERNATIONAL was established by a group of professionals, project managers, architects, engineers and skilled craftsmen teams, with over the years of combined experience in corporate and commercial designing, engineering, constructing, building, furnishing and providing all kinds of office equipments and supplies as well as industrial solutions.

Our business plan is simple; nullify client’s frustration by locating and managing various trades proving to be the single resource provider of all possible services required.

WINDS INTERNATIONAL is exceptional by design. We offer a variety of services and products tailored to the needs of each client. Initially, each client / project is assigned a project manager who consults with the prospective client to fully understand the scope of  
Show more work and size of the project, and to assist the planning and space evaluation process. The Project Manager then educates and guides the prospective client towards developing a realistic budget based on the projects requirements and to establish a schema, phasing schedule and eventual completion date.

The management and staff of WINDS INTERNATIONAL bring to our clients hands-on experience, a broad base of information, far-reaching trade contacts and a willingness to expend a lot of up-front effort to gain their confidence and understand the projects requirements. The staff continually interfaces with leading and cutting edge architects, designers and contractors to keep abreast of all changes and improvements within their respective fields. The company has built a formidable reputation by providing uncompromising customer service and by utilizing the finest designers, contractors, laborers, craftsmen and installers within any regime and territory. There is constant collaboration with each client to ensure a project’s timely progression and maintain the customer's satisfaction not only with WINDS INTERNATIONAL but also with tradesmen and subcontractors.


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