deSoft Technologies - Faisalabad, Pakistan

Company name
deSoft Technologies
P-508, Main Satyana Road, Punjab, Faisalabad, Pakistan
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Company description
dé Soft Technologies is in business of developing, selling and supporting dé Soft Technologies software products and providing software services. Founded in 2009 by two friends Software Engineers, dé Soft Technologies is a place where everything makes sense. It may sound simple, but in reality that obvious rule does not exist in many software companies. Name dé Soft Technologies comes from the word “Softech”, which translates from Sanskrit as Path. It is precisely reflects what we do at dé Soft Technologies – "we work with our customers to find the best path to their perfect software solution".

dé Soft Technologies is a place where “As Good As Necessary” attitude replaces “As Best As I Can”, which today in many occasions just not good enough. We ensure that our solutions  
Show more and services meet the highest standards of industry. We believe that the joy of contribution to the welfare of people in world, development of science and technology is higher than just maximizing the revenue.

dé Soft Technologies was founded with a vision to deliver high quality software services to its customers, build long lasting relationship with them and achieve highest level of customer satisfaction. Our main goal and objective is to create standards and measures that will ensure highest quality of service we are providing. Quality software services mean on-time, within budget and maintainable solutions.

Today, market is very strict on the time and we achieve minimum turn around time by employing development techniques from agile software methodologies, where certain development activities happen in parallel. We also have periodic reviews with the customers to grasp quickly the requirements changes and modification of design at early stages. This means our objective is: to always stay in close touch with our customer and be able to predict and adapt quickly to the changes.


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