caustic soda liquid

caustic soda liquid
About the product
Caustic Soda, also known as sodium Hydroxide, forms a stronge alkaline solution when dissolved in water. ICL produces Caustic Soda in the form of flakes, solid, liquid ( 31% and 50% concentration ). In Solid form, it is hygroscopic and as such readily absorbs water from the air/ Hence, it is sorted in airtight container.
Caustic Soda, is used in a wide Variety of Industrial applications. It is used as a reactant for the manufacturing of other sodium components, which themselves may be intermediate or end use products, Such as Sodium Hypochlorite having its use as a household bleach and disinfectant and Sodium Phenolate, Required for making antiseptic and for the manufacturing of aspirin. It is used in the manufacturing process of soap and surfactants used in a soap powders and also in the textile industry to remove containments. As a bleach, it is used in the treatment of scoured cloth and to improve luster and dye absorption.
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