AWAN INTERNATIONAL Goods Transport Company (Regd) - Islamabad, Pakistan
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AWAN INTERNATIONAL Goods Transport Company (Regd)
Tarnol, Punjab, Islamabad, Pakistan
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Company description
In 1982, the company was established as a road transport, crane Rental and over dimensional Cargo in Islamabad. The company started its business in three cities, Islamabad, Faisalabad and Karachi. In a short time the company has got its recognition in national markets. Our team of professionals was fully involved in satisfying the customers throughout the nation by providing quality and reliable services. Now company has its associated offices in four cities Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi and Faisalabad.
Now the company is operating with largest national and multinational organizations. The Company has established a system for the road transportation of their products from their warehouses to the destinations all over the Pakistan. And then there were other valuable customers also like NDC,
Now the company is operating with largest national and multinational organizations. The Company has established a system for the road transportation of their products from their warehouses to the destinations all over the Pakistan. And then there were other valuable customers also like NDC,
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MTC, CSCEC, Techno Group of Companies etc. Now the company has bought new trucks and trailers for providing better and faster services to its clientsListed in categories
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